A multi-page website is ideal for companies needing to display extensive content professionally, promoting your company and services effectively.
Started Multi Page Website
MSW - P1 (Yearly)
Starter Multi-Page Website Plans
✓ 包含5-10个页面 Includes 5-10 pages
✓ 响应式设计 Responsive Design
✓ 基本SEO优化 Basic SEO Optimization
✓ 月度数据备份 Monthly Data Backup
✓ 1个定制动画横幅 1 Custom Animated Banners
✓ 布局和颜色定制 Layout and Colour Customisation
✓ 谷歌地图集成 Google Map Integration
✓ 基本用户分析 Basic User Analytics
✓ 推送通知 Push Notifications
✓ 在线聊天功能 Live Chat FunctionalityFree (1st Year Service)
✓ 托管服务 Hosting
✓ 网域注册 Domain Registration
✓ SSL Security
✓ Unlimited Storage 容量
✓ Setup social media 设定社交平台 (Facebook / IG / TIKTOK / Xiao Hong Shu / Youtube - Choose two)
✓ 设定 WhatsApp Business
✓ 免费打广告(2则)
Additional Free Advertisement (2post)